消えた師・黒鷲の学級 The Missing Professor (Black Eagles)
エーデルガルト: 今の魔道は……まさか、師が……?
Edelgard: That could only have been magic! What happened to our professor?
ソロン: 見たか……奴は呑まれた。禁呪の闇に。
Solon: They were swallowed by the mystical darkness of the forbidden spell.
An eternity wandering in a void of darkness, never to return to this world...
To think we almost had the Sword of the Creator...
カスパル: 嘘だ! オレは信じねえ!先生が死ぬわけない!
Caspar: You're lying! Our professor is alive, I know it!
フレン: そうですわ。先生は……特別な方なのですから!
Flayn: That's right! Our professor is no ordinary human!
ヒューベルト: その程度のことで死ぬような者が、我が主の師となれるはずもありませんな。
Hubert: It is hard to fathom that our professor would die in a place like this.
ソロン: ……確かにまだ死んではおらぬであろうな。だが、死んだも同然よ。
Solon: It is possible that death has yet to find your friend. But there are worse things than death.
Drifting through the darkness with no chance to escape... Overwhelmed with hopelessness... It must be torturous.
エーデルガルト: 酷く勝ち誇っているようだけれど、もしそんな迂遠なやり方で……
Edelgard: You're already boasting a victory, but know this―if you did use such devious tricks to stop our professor...
I swear that you will regret it.
フェルディナント: ああ、今回ばかりは彼女の言うとおりだな。闇の中からだろうと、すぐに戻ってくるさ。
Ferdinand: I cannot help but agree with her this once. Even if our professor is trapped in darkness, that is not the end of their story.
ソロン: その態度……解せぬな。何を考えておるのか知らぬが、まあ良い。
Solon: I will not forgive such arrogance.
If you prefer it so, you shall also be added to the ranks of the dead!